2 Mr. Britton reported upon the 1st team. He expected Saunders, Lindley & Buckle to be fit for Saturday. Catterick was doubtful. Leyland might be fit & Falder was doubtful. Wainwright & Lello should be ready in 14 days. Potts had been obtained from Burnley F. C. for £20,000. Even if desirable, there was little likeli- hood of our having a chance to secure Ford or Franklin. Mr. W. R. Williams & he had interviewed the Manager of the Midland Bank, County Rd. & had arranged for deposits from players earning to be banked & that the Bankers would calculate repayments to those concerned on a basis of 4% interest. Resolution The following Resolution was then passed:- That a Banking Account for the Everton F. C. Players & Staff savings Bank, be opened with the Midland Bank Ltd. at their Walton Branch, 95, County Rd., L'pool 4 & that the Bank be & is hereby empowered to honour Cheques, Bills of Xchange, & Promissory Notes drawn signed accepted or made on behalf of the Company by any two of the following & to act on any instructions given by the persons so authorised with regard to any accounts of or transactions of the Company. The signatures to this to be any two of the Board of Directors, the manager & the Secretary. Directors to Charltons Messrs W. R. Williams, E. Green, R. E. Searle & N. W. Coffey. Football Club Mr. Green thought that consideration