MEETING OF SUB-COMMITTEE HELD AT GOODISON PARK, Thursday, October 12,1950. GROUND RATING VALUATION. After hearing the comparative details given by Mr. Searle of our Rateable Value against those of Clubs up and down the country, it was agreed that for the present, we leave the question of an appeal, alone. {X} 27, CROFTSON AVENUE, ORMSKIRK. It was agreed to purchase this house, at present occupied by Fielding, after considering the prices put upon it by independent valuers from the Club and Mr. Searle. PROPERTY FIRE RISK. It was also agreed that a figure of £7.12.0 gross be paid to {Refer} the Royal Insurance Company, to increase the cover on the Goodison Avenue and {back} Road properties, from £670 per house to £1,000. APPEALS. {X} Decided to recommend a donation of Ten Guineas to the St. Mathew's Evening Institute, but no action was taken regarding the request from St. Mar- garet's School Rebuilding Fund, pending information from Liverpool F. C. as to their re-action to this appeal. {X} MAINTENANCE LICENSE. Agreed to recommend that we apply for an annual license for £5,000 to be spent on the maintenance of the ground. K. WHITESIDE. This employee having applied for an increase, it was Mr. Britton's opinion that he was not showing sufficient promise to justify one, and his wages were left at £4 weekly. CITY CATERERS. There being a certain amount of dissatisfaction with regard to the meals supplied to the players, it was arranged that Mr. Britton should see if he could arrange for something better. 75, WALLACE DRIVE. Mr. Britton reported that E. Moore was likely to take the tenancy of this house, lately vacated by A. Powell.