288 be fit for Thursday and Lewis had twisted his ankle again. Floodlighting It was agreed unanimously that the possibilities of Floodlighting be explored and a special Committee was formed of the Sub-Committee and Mr. Micklesfield to consider the whole question and report to the Board. P. J. Corr. 277 A letter was read from P. J. Corr asking for a Scouting Job, as he was unable to play football this season owing to an operation. It was regretted that nothing could be done for him in this direction. Footballers It was agreed to subscribe £20 Golf Ch. 155. to this Competition. Directors Away To Nottingham:- Messrs C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield & A. N. Denaro. To Blackburn Mr. Coffey. Next Meeting Tuesday Sept. 15th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman. 15.9.53