281 allowed, and if required two pounds per night for Hotel. (This exception is made because Ladies may not travel with the official party). 7 A Director may attend one Representative Match only in the United Kingdom on Eire per season at the Clubs expense, and he shall be allowed 1st Class fare plus 35/- per night for Hotel and two pounds per day subsistence allowance for a maximum of two nights and two days. Alternatively he may attend the Cup Final at the Club's expense, but he may not attend both at the Club's expense except as provided in paragraph 8. The Chairman may if he so chooses represent the at any of these games at the Club's expense. 8 A Director may attend at the Club's expense all Cup-ties in which the Everton Club is engaged. 9 This new scale of expenses to commence as from July 1st 1953, and payment to be made every two months. Refreshments It was agreed that refreshments on match days should only be served for 30 minutes after the final whistle in the Secretary's office. Directors It was agreed that each Director Tickets 84 be allowed the use of seven seats in the Directors Box and six seats in the Shareholders Stand. Charity Match It was agreed that the Allocation 193 Chairman and Secretary submit a list for (Indexed under Practice approval. match Receipts)