280 as recommended by the Sub-Committee was approved. 1 For attendance at Club Matches away from home and not involving a night away the subsistence allowance shall be 10/-. 2 For attendance at Club Matches away from home involving one or more nights away, the subsistence allowance shall be 30/- for each night away, except in the case of Matches involving a stay in London when the subsistence allowance shall be two pounds for each night away. 3 For journeys undertaken on behalf of the Club, other than attendance at Everton Matches, there will be allowed 1st Class travel and 30/- subsistence allowance if the journey does not involve a night away from home, otherwise the allowance will be 35/- per night for Hotel and two pounds per night for subsistence. 4 A Director may make no journey at the Expense of the Club without prior sanction being granted by the Board at a Board Meeting. 5 No expenses will be granted to Directors for attendance at matches in Liverpool or for attendance at Board Meeting, Sub-Committee Meetings or Emergency Meetings. 6 Should a Director attend a Club Match away and not travel with the official party, no travelling expenses will be allowed except in cases of journeys to London, when 1st Class fare will be