278 of repairing gates, railings and the roof, and this was deferred to the next meeting of the Sub-Committee. England It was agreed to recommend the v Ireland following prices to the F.A. for this game. Reserved Seat, Bullens Road & Goodison Rd. stands 15/- & 10/-, Goal Stands - net ticketed 5/- Paddock 3/- Ground 2/-. Directors To Nottingham, Lutan & Hull :- Away Messrs J. C. Sharp & A. N. Denars To Hull :- Mr. F. Micklesfield. Transfer of The following were approved :- Shares SHARES NOD. 860 & 2289 FROM JAS. HUGHES TO W. L. CUMPSTEY " " 842, 843 & 2350 FROM XIX GEO. MAVER TO F. MICKLESFIELD. " " 861-863 FROM LOUISA FORD TO D. M. MCPHAIL " " 864 & 2209 FROM LOUISA FORD TO T. C. NUTTALL Next Meeting Tuesday Aug. 18th, at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman 18.8.53