275 Parker. It was agreed that the Manager negotiate for either Fielding or Cummins, and do the best he can for the Club. Sagar 269. It was reported that Sagar had definitely decided to end his playing career, and was working with the ground staff. It was agreed that he be presented with a cheque for £1000.0.0 at the Practice Match. A request from the Supporters Federation and Shareholders Association to take a collection at the first home game for the "Ted Sagar Testimonial Fund" was not acceded to. Practice It was agreed that the Senior Matches Public Practice Match should be played on Wednesday Aug. 12th and a Junior Practice Match on Saturday Aug. 15th G. E. Saunders 151. It was agreed that application be made to pay accrued share of Benefit to G. E. Saunders for £675.0.0. P. J. Corr A letter was read from this player regarding his proposed transfer to Halifax Town and his accrued share of Benefit, and the matter was left to Mr. Britton. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares SHARES NOD. 1608-1610 FROM MABEL MILLER TO HAROLD MILLER 2235, 2045, 2046 " " 701 - 703 FROM ELIZABETH E. HEMPHILL TO W. P. HEMPHILL " " 1705-1707 " XORS. JAS PILKINGTON TO WM. R. DENARO. " " 2464-2466 " GEORGE FALLON TO ERNEST J. DENARO. " " 1691-1692 " XORS. W. H. McCONNELL TO THOMAS McCONNELL. " " 80 & 1857 " -do- TO HERBERT McCONNELL. " " 1201-1203 " -do- TO CHARLOTTE GARTH. " " 2230 " -do- TO ADA McCONNELL.