
Dividend		Mr. E. Green proposed that a Dividend
		of 7½, on the paid up Capital of the
		Company, be paid less Tax. This was
		seconded by Mr. J. C. Sharp and carried.

Auditors		Mr. V. G. Winfield proposed that for
Fees		the ensuring Year, the Auditors, Messrs
		Rogers, Bowler, Rushworth Smith & Co.
		receive a fee of One hundred guineas,
		as last year. Sec. Ald. Clarke & duly carried.

Election of		There being only three candidates
Directors	for three vacancies on the Board, the
		Chairman proposed that they be put
		up for election on bloc. This was
		seconded and carried without a
		dissentient. Mr. E. Green then proposed that
		Messrs F. Micklesfield, A. N. Donars, & R. E. Searle
		be elected Directors on bloc. This was
		seconded by Mr. W. Birch and duly carried.
			The Chairman declined Messrs Micklesfield, Searle & Donars duly
		elected to the Board.

E. Sagar		A gold watch was presented to
		Edward Sagar from the Club, by the
		Chairman, suitably inscribed to commemorate
		his record service with one Club. Ted, in
		his reply thanked the Directors, and all
		who had helped him in his record career.

W. C. Gibbins		The meeting closed with a tribute
		to Mr. W. C. Gibbins who had been a
		Director of the Club for 33 years.

			Confirmed as correct

				E. Green
