270 [Annual General Meeting held at the Central Hall. Renshaw St. L'pool on Thursday June 25th 1953] Present :- Mr. E. Green (Chair) supported by Dr. C. S. Baxter, Messrs J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield and 97 Shareholders. Messrs J. C. Bryson, G. Bowler, Manager & Secretary also in attendance. Notice The notice convening the meeting was read by the Secretary. Press The members of the Press were admitted with the approval of the meeting. Directors The Meeting stood in silence Report, A/cs fro a few moments, as a mark of respect Balance Sheet to the late Mr. W. R. Williams, who had died since the last meeting. Mr. E. Green gave a report of the workings of the past Season, painting out that the net gain from Cup- ties was not as much as many people imagined, and also the heavy burden of increased entertainment Duty. He then moved that the accounts and auditors report be taken as read, which was agreed. Mr. Green then proposed that the Report and Accounts be adopted. This was seconded by Mr. J. W. Livesley and duly carried, after questions by Messrs J. W. Livesley, L. B. Osheme, P. G. Ney, R. A. Joynson, W. H. Sawyer, R. Taylor, G. A. G. Parrington, W. C. Macauley, and old W. J. Clark had been answered.