269 Everton F. C. A letter was read from this Supporters Organisation proposing a testimonial Fund for Federation Ted Sagar. It was agreed that whilst the fund could not be supported financially, no objection would be raised to a fund being launched. E. Sagar 262. It was agreed that Ted Sagar be offered a Job on the Staff when his playing contract expired, and approval was given to the Action of the Chairman and Mr. Sharp in purchasing a gold watch, suitably inscribed, for presentation to him at the A. G. M. Floodlighting 251. It was agreed to ask Tottenham Hotspur to meet a deputation on Aug. 21st to discuss and inspect their Floodlighting. Correspondence Letters of thanks were read from W. M. Lindley. The Director of Education and the Merseyside Schools F. A. Fred Price It was agreed to donate Five pounds Benefit Fund to the Benefit Fund for Fred Price who had had a leg amputated, following a fraction. An invitation from the Football Assn. was considered, to play a match in Belfast on Aug. 8th in aid of the National playing Fields Association, and it was regretted that we could not accept owing to the congestion of fixtures at the beginning of the Season. Next Meeting Friday June 25th at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman 26.6.53