258 Street Decoration’s to the Stand and for a children’s Tea Party to be held under the Stand in the event of inclement weather. It was further agreed to Donate five pounds towards this event. Haydock It was agreed to make a donation C v B. 155. of Twenty five pounds to this Club, in respect of player E. Thomas. Letter of thanks were read from Runcorn F. C. for sending a team to play there, and the Liverpool County Comb. for the loan of the ground. Sagar 211 It was agreed that a job be Lindley 253 found for Sagar when his present contract ended and that Lindley be paid his accrued Benefit of £450. It was reported that Buckle and Mc Namara were not fit, but Donovan and Fanall should be fit. Tansey was to have an X Ray and Cummins had a very bad toe- nail. Annual 191. It was agreed that this should General Mtg. take place on Thursday June 25th at the Central Hall at 7.30 p.m. Bullens Rd. It was reported that Mr. Miller of Stand Tysons had examined the steel work, and in his opinion it required some slight scaling, but did not need painting. Cup Final It was agreed, in the event of a Replay replay, to Call of the Eire game due to be played on May 4th and this was left to the Chairman and Manager. The following allocation of Tickets to each Director was agreed :- 12 @ 25/- 30 x 15/- 50 @ 10/-.