
Junior Teams		It was agreed to re-organise the
		Junior Teams, by doing away with one, entering
		the West Cheshire League. To do this would
		necessitate sharing the ground with Fermly
		at a cost of Eighty pounds per annum, and
		this was approved.

London			A report of the talks at the Annual
Conference	Conference was given by the Chairman.

Crewe A. 252		The Chairman reported conversation
		he had with Mr. Cottrell, Chairman of
		Crewe, whilst in London, and in view
		of all the circumstances it was agreed to
		accept Five hundred pounds in full settlement
		of their outstanding liability, provided this
		amount was received by April 30th.

F. A. COUNCIL 253	It was agreed to support Mr. Barlow
		for Election to the F. A. Council in Div. III

Directors Away		To Birmingham :- Messrs E. Green,
		T. C. Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth & F. Micklesfield.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Apl. 28th at 4 p.m.

				Confirmed as correct
					E. Green