253 E. Forshaw It was reported that this player was due to join H. M. Forres next week. Tour 250. News concerning the Canary Islands Trip was expected nearer the end of the month, and it was reported that the Turkey Tour could not be proceeded with Invitations to play games in Belfast & Dublin were left to Mr. Britton, as was a request from Waterford F. C. for permission to play O'Neill and Eglington in a match on May 10th. W. M. Lindley 233 It was agreed to release this player if he secured the post of Manager at Swindon. K. J. Birch The Manager reported that he had taken Disciplinary action with this player for unsatisfactory conduct, and his actions were approved, and the matter left in his hands. T. J. Clinton It was agreed that this player be granted a Benefit of £750.0.0 which was now due. It was reported that Donovan, Easthope & Fletcher were unfit, but Tansey was now fit to play. Kirby was doing light training and Gregory was out of Hospital. Mr. Britton reported that he had been invited to a conference with F. A. officials next Tuesday to discuss Youth Training, and this was approved. F. A. Council. A request from Stockport County for support for election to represent Div. III was considered, and it was agreed that we