251 It was agreed that we could not accept an invitation to play a benefit Match in Torquay on April 27th. It was reported all the injured players should be fit for the week-end. Alteration of It was agreed that on Match Minute Days. No official may enter the Dressing Room, except the Chairman, Manager and Club Doctor. Flood Lighting It was reported Manchester City were 163 expecting their installation to be completed by Autumn, and it was agreed that the cost of maintenance and running be ascertained from other Clubs. Cup Final The following allocation of tickets 255 to each Director was agreed on:- 2 @ 50/-, 2 @ 25/-, 6 @ 15/-, 8 @ 10/6 & 40 @ 3/6. It was noted that if a replay was necessary this would take place at Goodison Park on Wed. May 6th. It was agreed to recommend a 7 p.m. Kick off, and on all ticket match with prices as follows. Stand Seat:- 25/-, 15/- & 10/-. Paddock 5/- & Ground 2/6. Crewe Alex. F. C. It was agreed that a letter be 216 sent to this Club requesting a definite date for settlement of the outstanding liability. It was noted that the Football League had asked for an explanation for playing a weak team v Fulham on March 25th. Directors Away To Aston Villa:- Mr. Gibbins. Huddersfield:- Messrs Green, Nuttall & Micklesfield. Next Meeting Tuesday April 14th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman. 14.4.53