246 Tour 243. It was reported that news of the proposed tour to the Canary Islands was expected next week. Several invitations to play matches abroad were read, and it was agreed that these be left to Mr. Britton. A letter of thanks was read from the C. A. S. A. Football League for our donation. It was agreed not to purchase a a Motor Coach offered at £560, for Club use. It was reported that Lindsay was doubtful for Saturday, but Hickson would fit, and Rankin was now in training. Replay It was noted that if necessary, the 28. replay would be at Huddersfield on Wed. Mar. 25, K. O. 2.30 p.m. It was agreed that each Director be allowed the following tickets 4 @ 25/-, 10 @ 15/-, 6 @ 10/6 and 20 @ 4/6. Other allocations were left to the Chairman, Manager & Secretary. It was agreed that arrangements be made to take Directors and Wives and the full-time players. International The following allocation to each Tickets 56 Director was agreed. (Indexed under England v Scotland) 2 @ 50/- or 25/-, 3 @ 15/-, 3 @ 10/6 & 8 @ 3/6. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares SHARES No. 263 & 2341 FROM ANN MACAULEY TO R. A. JOYNSON. " 1506-7 & 2284 FROM T. H. JACKSON TO R. A. JOYNSON " 578 TO 580 FROM EXORS. C. M. DOLBY TO F. E. PIGGOTT. " 1098 TO 1100 FROM R. A. CORRY TO F. E. PIGGOTT. " 784 TO 789 FROM EXIX W. R. WILLIAMS TO WM. BIRCH. " 1380 & 2290 FROM EXIX W. R. WILLIAMS TO MRS. B. BIRCH. 236 Crewe Alex. F. C. It was agreed that the Secretary write to Crewe Alex F. C. and ask them to fulfill their obligations