244 Transfer The following were approved:- of Shares SHARES NOD. 203-205 FROM XIX WM. GOODGE TO BRIAN EVANS " 2237 FROM IVY ROBERTA DOMERTY TO F. MICKLESFIELD. " 2314 & 1536 FROM PHYLLIS GIBSON TO F. MICKLESFIELD. Supporters A request from this organisation for Federation recognition, and allocations of Tickets for special Matches was considered and it was agreed that neither request could be granted. Trainer & A letter from their association was Coaches Assn. considered requesting us to propose the presentation of long service medals to their members by the Football League and also to support a proposal for the forming of a Provident Fund. It was agreed that we could not make the proposal requested but if their proposals went through we would support them. Next Meeting Tuesday March 17th 1953. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman 17.3.53