241 K. Hayes It was reported that Hayes would sign professional forms tonight, and Buck had now reported back to his unit. Gregory would have to undergo a cartilage operation, and Kirby had a suspected cartilage. Lindsay had a cold, but should be fit for Saturday. C. A. S. A. 141 An appeal was considered from this Football League organisation, and it was agreed to donate them five guineas. Geo. Mahon It was agreed not to accept an offer to purchase a silver tray presented in 1894 by the Club to Mr. Geo. Mahon. Transfer of The following was approved :- Shares SHARES NOD. 1982 to 1884 From Exix of A. R. Cook to Geoffrey Ray Cook. Directors Away To Aston Villa. all. To Nottingham Mr. E. Green & F. Micklesfield. Next Meeting Tuesday March 3rd at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman 3.3.53