[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK THURSDAY 26TH FEBRUARY 1953] Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair) Messrs. N. W. Coffey & T. C. Nuttall. Manager & Secretary in attendance. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS WERE MADE:- K.F. Busby. It was agreed to recommend that this employee's wages be increased by £1 per week. Season It was agreed to recommend that the price for all Tickets. season tickets for 1953-54 season be 5 guineas and that they all be reserved. Tradesmen. It was reported that a National award had been made for an increase of 7/4 per week and it was agreed to recommend that this increase be paid to our 4 tradesmen. K. Williams. It was agreed to recommend an increase of 10/- in the wages of this employee. T. E. Jones. It was agreed to recommend that this player be granted a benefit of £750 which was now due. E. Green 3.3.53