240 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel Tuesday Feb. 24th 1953] Present :- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 16th were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported was:- Gate v Swansea Town 3860.8.3 Cheques were signed for :- Customs & Excise 753.3.9 Football League 4% 118.11.3 Swansea Town F. C. % 500.13.3 Police 50.6.6 Wages 636.12.6 Petty Cash 150.8.3 Aston Villa F. C. 700.0.0 Commrs. Inl. Rev. P. A. Y. E. 478.19.6 Bank Balance £23,681.6.4 Dr. Reports A report was given of the 1st Team game v Swansea Town, and it was agreed that the Referee be given one point and a report accordingly. A report was also given of the 2nd Team game v Huddersfield Res. Tour 227. It was reported that an invitation had been received to play 3 or 4 games in the Canary Islands. It was agreed that the Chairman and manager should interview the gentleman and report back. It was also agreed, it we won the F. A. Cup, to accept an invitation if possible, to play a match in Paris in early June, against the French Cup winners and that we enquire from Arsenal F. C. what terms they would be likely to ask for.