234 Reported that Harris & McNamara were unfit, Moore had had his cartilage removed, & Wainwright had damaged his ankle. Gregory was to see Mr. Heron and Fielding, Donovan & Birch had resumed training. Letters of thanks were read from the L. B. A. and Lt. Col. Gray. R. E. M. E. for the use of the ground, and from Mr. J. Parker. Panto Day 121 It was resolved to donate £25 to the Liverpool Guild of undergraduates in lieu of a collection on Pants Day. Cup tie 224 It was agreed in the event of us reaching the 5th Round of the Cup, to take the players for special training, if they desired it, and in the event of a home game to care the ticket prices in the hands of the Chairman, Mr. Sharp together with the Manager and Secretary. Next Meeting Tuesday 4th Feb. at 4 p.m. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman 3.2.53