233 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel Monday 26th Jan. 1953] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors, Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 13th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v M/c Utd. Res. 281.9.5 Notts Forest F. C. Share Gate 141.11.3 Gate v Southampton 2360.10.6 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise 558.5.3 Football League % 65.9.11 Southampton F. C. % 309.10.4 Police 50.6.6 Wages 632.1.6 Petty Cash 150.0.0 H. R. Pickering Salary 52.4.3 W. Dickinson do 61.13.7 Bank Balance £27,762.17.8 Dr. Report of The report of recommendations as Sub-Committee presented by Mr. Sharp was approved. (copy annexed) Reports 225 Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Southampton and the 2nd Team game v Liverpool Res. It was reported that the players had had a very good week at Harrogate. The 222 Youth game v M/c Utd. Youths had been arranged for Wed. Feb. 4, 2.30 p.m. It was reported that Walker, the Scottish Junior had now signed for Wolves. Reported that Lindley had been given permission to apply for the position as manager at Bradford.