[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK WEDNESDAY 17TH DECEMBER 1952] Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair) & Messrs. N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nuttall & C. E. Balmforth. Manager & Secretary in attendance. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS WERE MADE:- 217 Walton It was agreed that Mr. Wickstead, the tenant of this Lane. house, be given permission to arrange for a change of tenancy to a smaller house with a suitable tenant. Entertainment It was reported that our claim for the application of Duty. a reduced rate of duty on season tickets for the current season had been turned down by the Commissioners of Customs & Excise. Tennis It was reported that the Leyfield tennis club could Courts not accept the tanancy of these courts on the con- Bellefield. ditions laid down and it was agreed that these be advertised. Directors' The following alterations in the rate of Directors' Expenses. Expenses were recommended:- ? trips with the team when staying overnight, other than in London to be reduced from 2 guineas to 35/- per day or part of a day. Overnight Journeys with the team to London to remain at 2 guineas per day. All other items to remain as before. Day trips with the team reduced from 21/- to 15/-. Accounts. It was agreed to recommend that an interim income and expenditure account, with dissections, be prepared ? by the auditors to December 31st, together with a list of major contingent liabilities, to be prepared by the Secretary. Refreshment It was reported that Mr. Beck, a former manager of Kiosks. Liverpool City Caterers, was interested in taking over the Refreshment Kiosks and it was agreed that he be asked to tender a quotation. E. Green 22.12.52