224 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel Tuesday Dec. 16th 1952] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors excepting Mr. Gibbins. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 9th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v M/c City Res. 82.17. 6 Bury. F. C. Share Gate 150.17.10 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise 1. 8. 4 Wages 800. 2. 0 Petty Cash 81.16. 6 Football League 4% Season Tkts. 215.19. 5 Bank Balance £23,743.11.9 Dr. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Bury and of the 2nd Team game v M/c City Res. Fielding 223 It was reported that enquiries had been made by Cardiff City & Brighton & Hove A. but there was NOTHING definite to report. Cup- tie Owing to a clash in colours it was agreed that we play in Old Gold & Black and Ipswich in Red & White, and to reply an Wed. Jan. 14th if Necessary. It was reported that McNamara should be fit for Saturday, Hickson still has a cold and Donovan was doubtful. Grant was fit and Brich should be fit in about 3 weeks. Directors Away To Hull: Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp, T. C. Nuttall & F. Micklesfield. Next Meeting Monday Dec. 22nd at 4 pm.