218 2 games in Opports. After some discussion it was agreed to proceed with the Tour under Mr. Mochan's guidance. Report of The report of recommendations as Sub-Committee presented by Mr. Sharp was approved. (Copy annexed). Bellefield Tennis Courts It was agreed that the use of the 213 Tennis Courts at Bellefield be offered to the Leyfield Tennis Club on exactly the same conditions as given to Dunlops, and if this was not acceptable, to advertise for offers. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Leeds Utd. and of the 2nd Team game v Stoke Res. It was reported that Lindsay may be fit for Saturday, and Melville would be fit to play. Donovan had sustained an injury during training which may be cartilage, and Parker had Lumbago. It was reported that the Army Area Final would take place on Dec. 3rd at 2.15 p.m. Correspondence It was reported that many letters 216. of Sympathy had been received since the death of Mr. Williams, and it was agreed that these be acknowledged. A letter was read from Mr. John Moores expressing his sympathy, and also his opposition to co-option. It was agreed that his letter be acknowledged, and that he be informed that the Board have noted his strong objection to co-option. High Spen An appeal for financial aid was School read from High Spen School, where J. Grant was a Scholar. It was agreed to send £10.0.0.