
				Confirmed as correct
					E. Green

			[Meeting held Exchange Hotel L'pool
				Tuesday Nov. 25th 1952.]

			Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all
		other Directors excepting Messrs W. C. Gibbins
		and T. C. Nuttall who tendered apologies.

			Manager & Secretary in attendance.
			Minutes of Meeting Nov. 18th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipt reported was:-
		Gate v Leeds Utd.		2686. 2.6
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise		 516.11.8
		Football League			  81. 1.6
		Leeds Utd. F. C.		 354. 7.4
		L'pool City Police		  55.14.6
		Wages				 630. 1.6
		Petty Cash			  69.15.6
			Bank Balance £23,235.15.8 Dr.

McNamara 216		It was reported that there had been
& Harris 216 	no word from Blackburn Rovers.

Tour.	216		The visit of Mr. Mochan was
		reported, and it was understand there would
		be some difficulty in pre-arranging games in
		Spain due to their Cup-ties, but it may
		be possible to arrange 2 games in Lisbon &