
			[Meeting held Exchange Hotel
				Tuesday Nov. 18th 1952.]

		Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other
		Directors excepting Mr. Balmforth who sent apologies.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.
			Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 11th
		were read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Commrs. Inland Rev.		Tax Refund		1894. 5.6
		Gate v Chesterfield Res.				 156.18.9
		Plymouth A. F. C. %					 312. 6.8
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise Duty					   3.12.7
		Wages							 631. 6.6
		Petty Cash						 185. 0.0
		Gatemens Float						 100. 0.0
		Commrs. Inland Rev.    P. A. Y. E 			 686.14.6
			Bank Balance £23,039.18.5 Dr.

Mr. W. R. Williams	The Board has blamed with the deepest
		regret of the death of Mr. W. R. Williams and here
		and now places on record its appreciation of the
		valuable services rendered to the club by him,
		not only as a Director for 14 years, but particularly
		when, as Chairman, with great patience and
		steadiness be guided the club through a very
		difficult period of its history.

Reports			Reports were given of the 1st Team game
		v Plymouth, the 2nd Team game v Chesterfield Res.
		and the Eire v France game. 2 Letters were read from
		spectators of the game at Plymouth criticising the
		Referee for allowing a goal scored by Plymouth to
		count after he had blown the whistle for an
		infringement, and a draft letter to be sent to
		the Football League was approved.