210 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel L'pool Tuesday Nov. 4th 1952.] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors excepting Mr. Balmforth who tendered his apologies. Manager & secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Oct. 28th were read and confirmed. Finance. Receipt reported was:- Gate v Newcastle Res. 201.16.0 Cheques were signed for:- Directors Expenses 84.2.6 Customs & Excise 4.12.1 C. S. Britton Salary 110.2.1 Wages 635.4.6 Petty Cash 159.15.9 Health L'pool Hospital M. C. 25.0.0 Bank Balance £25,764.14.0 Dr. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Fulham and the 2nd Team game v Newcastle Res. An application from the F. A. of Ireland was considered for the release of O'Neill, Eglington and possibly Farnell to play on Nov. 15 versus France, and a request that they be allowed to travel on the previous Thursday. Their was agreed to. Wainwright 208 It was reported that Leeds Utd. were not interested in this player at the price suggested. It was reported that Lindsay had been ordered two weeks rest and Sagar had a cracked bone in his ankle. Donovan was now fit.