209 Donovan who had injured his ankle had to rest, and Sagar was to have his ankle X-Rayed following an injury. It was agreed to send a Donation of £25.0.0 to North Liverpool Hospital M. C. E. Sagar The Directors are pleased to place on record that on Sunday last, Oct 26th 1952. Edward Sagar broke a League record of service to one club. This was previously held by Robert Crompton of Blackburn Rovers. The dates are as follows:- Robert Crompton signed for Blackburn R. Sept. 29th 1896 and furnished as a player on Apl. 30th 1920, that being then the last day of the Season. Edward Sagar signed for Everton on March 26th 1929. The Board are gratified to know that on Everton player now holds this record service of loyalty to one Club. It was resolved that Edward Sagar service should be suitably and substantially rewarded at the conclusion of his football career. Geyser It was agreed to install a new hot water boiler in the Kitchen at a nest of £73.10.0 Correspondence Letters of thanks were read from the 150 Florence Melly Club, Walton Hospital League of Friends, and the Director of Education. Directors Away To Fulham:- Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp, A. W. Coffey, J. C. Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth & J. Micklesfield. Next Meeting Tuesday Nov. 4th at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman 4.11.52