208 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel Tuesday Oct. 28 1952] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Oct. 21st were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Leicester City F. C. Share 465.14.2 Gate v West Ham Utd. 3782.17.3 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise 749.13.7 Football League 115.15.6 West Ham Utd. F. C. 485.0.6 L'pool City Police 54.7.6 Wages 660.8.6 Petty Cash 124.0.9 H. R. Pickering Salary 52.10.8 W. Dickinson Salary 67.5.4 Bank Balance £25,054.0.2 Dr. Report of The report of recommendations of the Sub Committee Sub-Committee as presented by Mr. Sharp was appeared. (copy annexed ). Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v West Ham Utd. and the 2nd Team game v Leeds Utd. Res. Wainwright 133 It was reported that Leeds Utd. had enquired about the Transfer of this Player several opinions were expressed and it was agreed to leave the matter in Mr. Britton's hands. 198 Youth Challenge Cup It was reported that our Youth Team had been drawn away to Blackpool in the 3rd Round of the Cup Competition.