202 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday Oct. 7th 1952] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all others Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 30th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipt reported was:- Gate v Huddersfield Res. 210.12.6 Cheques were signed for:- Directors Expenses 144. 9.0 Customs & Excise 4.15.2 Wages 645.16.6 Petty Cash 183.13.3 C. S. Britton Salary 176.14.0 Bank Balance £25,222.6.8 Dr. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Swansea and the 2nd Team game v Huddersfield Res. 152 Hampson It was reported that Officials of Chester F. C. had watched this player on Saturday, but he was no better than players they had. McNAMARA Workington Town F. C. were interested in McNamara, but it was agreed that we could not let him go at present. Fielding, Grant, Donovan, Lindsay should all be fit for Saturday. Presentation It was agreed that there should Dinner 80 take place at Bellefield on Monday Oct. 20th. Correspondence Appeals on behalf of the King George VI Memorial Fund and St. Anne's King Geo. VI Citizens Institute were deferred for reference Memorial Fund to Liverpool F. C. and it was agreed to suggest to them a figure of £50 for the King George VI Memorial Fund.