193 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool Tuesday Sept. 2nd 1952] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors, Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 26th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Sheffield Utd. F. C. Share Gate 422. 8. 6 Gate v Barnsley Res. 67.19. 6 Gate v Blackburn Res. 186. 1. 6 Cheques were signed for:- Directors Expenses 41. 1. 0 Customs & Excise 2.19.11 Wages 630. 7. 1 Petty Cash 182.19. 3 Transfer from Dividend A/c 320.15. 3 Bank Balance £22,849.8.11 Dr. Reports Mr. Britton gave a report of the 1st Team game v Blackburn Rovers, and comments were added by the Chairman & Mr. Micklesfield, after which a report of the 2nd Team game v Blackburn Res. was given by Messrs W. C. Gibbins, C. S. Baxter & W. R. Williams. Potts 96 It was reported that Bury F. C. had enquired about the possibility of the transfer of this player. Various opinions were repressed, and the general opinion favoured accepting a five figure offer, or something near. It was reported that Lewis had started training again, but Sagar was still unfit. Practise 191 The proposed list of allocations as Match Receipts submitted was approved. (copy annexed)