EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB ALLOCATION OF CHARITY MATCH RECEIPTS AUGUST 1952 Devon Flood Relief Fund 105. 0. 0 Lancs. F. A. Benevolent Fund 105. 0. 0 Liverpool County F. A. Benevolent Fund 105. 0. 0 St. John Ambulance Brigade 75. 0. 0 R. N. Lifeboat Institution 50. 0. 0 Merseyside Fund for the Blind 30. 0. 0 L'pool & District Police Orphanage 20. 0. 0 British Limbless Ex-Servicemens' Assocn. 20. 0. 0 Football League Secretaries & Managers } Association Benevolent Fund } 20. 0. 0 Maghull Home for Epileptics 20. 0. 0 National Society for Cancer Relief 20. 0. 0 Cancer Research Fund 20. 0. 0 L'pool Adult Deaf & Dumb Benevolent Society 15. 0. 0 Y. M. C. A. 15. 0. 0 League of Welldoers 15. 0. 0 Gordon Smith Institute for Seamen 15. 0. 0 L'pool Queen Victoria District Nursing Assocn. 10. 0. 0 Newspaper Press Fund 10. 0. 0 Litherland Boys' Club 7. 11. 5 _________________ £677. 11. 5 =================