[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK FRIDAY 8TH AUGUST 1952] Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair) and Messrs. N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nuttall and C. E. Balmforth. Manager and Secretary in attendance. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS WERE MADE: T. Sinker. It was reported that this former employee was due for demobilisation in a few weeks time and it was agreed to recommend that he be offered a job on the ground staff at £4 per week. Pension It was agreed to recommend the adoption of the scheme Scheme. proposed by the Royal Insurance Co., with certain amendments and the Secretary was instructed to obtain a quotation on these lines for the next Board Meeting. City A request had been made for renewal of this contract, which Caterers. was due to expire in 12 months time, in order that they could have security of tenancy before embarking on necessary decorations. It was agreed to recommend a new 5 year contract to be entered into at a rental of £450 per year but the Chairman and Manager to have power to negotiate at £400 per annum, if necessary. Stand It was agreed to recommend the confirmation of the accept- Painting. ance of a tender by Henshaw Bros., of £120 for painting the fascia of the Bullens Road and Gwladys Street stands. Tenancies. It was agreed to recommend that T. E. Jones be given the tenancy of 73, Wallace Drive and that Harry Leyland be given the tenancy of 6, Goodison Avenue. Brick Work It was agreed to recommend the putting in hand of repairing Repairs. loose brick work at the rear of the stand, by Messrs. Tysons Ltd. E. Green 12.8.52