180 * The Meeting stood in silence for a few moments, as a mark of respect to the late Director Mr. F. W. Lake, who had died since the last meeting. G. A. J. Parrington, J. F. McCall, B. S. Campbell W. H. Sawyer & R. G. Gibbins had been answered. Dividend 69 Mr. E. Green proposed that a dividend of 7½% less tax, be paid on the paid up Capital of the Company. This was seconded by Mr. G. H. Budsen and carried. Remuneration Mr. W. H. Sawyer proposed that the fee Auditors payable to the Auditors Messrs Rogers, Bowler 74 Rushworth Smith & Co. be 100 guineas, as last year. This was seconded by Mr. J. W. Livesley and carried. {X} Election of Mr. Green announced that Mr. John Directors Taylor had withdrawn his Candidature, and 74 asked for separate proposals for each of the sid remaining Candidates which were made as follows. Dr. C. S. Baxter Prop. J. W. Livesley Sec. W. Buch Mr. E. Green Prop. A. Lomax Sec. G. H. Bridson Mr. R. A. Joynson Prop. L. B. Osborne Sec. G. K. Williams Mr. W. H. Sawyer Prop. R. G. Gibbins Sec. Mr. D. & D. Robinson Mr. R. E. Searle Prop. W. L. Pritchard Sec. H. Flyun Mr. J. C. Sharp Prop. R. Taylor Sec. J. Charters. Mr. Green than announced that a demand for a poll had been made in writing by Messrs J. W. Livesley, J. Charters, N. G. Winfield, T. E. Linton, G. N. Bridson & W. H. Tickle and declared that a Ballot would now be taken. The following were appointed scrutineers:- Messrs T. B. Tickle, N. G. Winfield, L. B. Osborne and J. W. Livesley. Mr. W. Wall proposed that the Candidates be allowed to speak, and this proposal on being put to the meeting was lost.