179 [Annual General Meeting held at the Law Association Rooms, Cook St., L'pool, Thursday June 26th 1952.] Present :- Mr. E. Green (Chair) supported by Messrs W. C. Gibbins, C. S. Baxter, W. R. Williams, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield and 204 Shareholders. Messrs J. C. Bryson, Geo. Bowler, Manager and Secretary in attendance. Notice The notice convening the meeting was read by the Secretary. Press 121. The members of the press were admitted to the meeting. * Directors Report Mr. E. Green gave a report of the Accounts & workings of the past season, and referred Balance Sheet to the unsatisfactory state of the Transfer 74 market, the policy of Coaching our own Juniors, the estate and its growth and the encouraging signs for the future. He then replied to criticisms which had been levelled at the Directors in circulars. Mr. Britton then gave a report of the past seasons play, and gave a list of the Honours gained. He was looking to the future with optimism, and thanked the players and staff for their co-operation. Mr. Green then moved that the accounts be taken as read, which was agreed. The report of the Auditors was read by Mr. G. H. Bowler and the adoption of the report and accounts was proposed by Mr. E. Green. This was seconded by Mr. A N. Denaro and duly carried, after questions by Messrs L. B. Colionne, W. C. Macauley,