176 Wainwright was training 2 days a week and looked like regaining his old power, and Sutherland was doing light training after his recent operation which seemed successful. A letter of thanks was read from the Mayor of Ruthin expressing gratitude for sending teams to play there, and a similar letter was read from the Liverpool Boys Asson. for the match played at Anfield for their benefit. Accounts Mr. Bowler presented a draft of the Income and Expenditure a/c. It was agreed to charge to the Income and Expenditure a/c the amount spent on Clothing and Equipment: to write off all Stands Erections & Hoarding depreciation amounting to £1328.0.0 and that depreciation amounting to £90.0.0 be written off the amplifier equipment. It was agreed to recommend that a dividend of 7½%, less tax, be paid on the paid up Capital of the Company. It was agreed that the Chairman together with Mr. Balmforth the Manager and Secretary should meet on Thursday next to approve the Balance Sheet. London It was agreed that the Chairman A. G. M's should represent the Club at the Football League A. G. M. and the Chairman & Secretary at the Football Association A. G. M. The Agenda for the Football League Meeting was considered, and it was that our representative vote in accordance