[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK MONDAY 19TH MAY 1952.] Present:- J. C. Sharp (Chair) and Messrs. T. C. Nuttall and C. E. Balmforth. Manager and Secretary in attendance. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS WERE MADE:- Profit & Loss a/c These were considered and approved, subject & Balance Sheet. to minor alterations. Timber. It was agreed to recommend the purchase of timber to the value of £180 for repairing exit gates which are in a bad state. C. Leyfield. It was agreed to recommend that a bonus of £20 be paid to this employee as a mark of appreciation for the good work he had done during the past year and the success of the 2nd team in being runners up in the Central League. L. Bryan. It was agreed to recommend a bonus of £15 for the good work this scout had done during the past season. N. Boal & It was agreed to recommend that a grant of £10 be P. Cook. made to each of these scouts who work on a voluntary basis and do not charge expenses. H. Pickering. It was agreed to recommend that that salary of this employee be increased to £750 per annum as from June June 1st. Goodison Rd. Stand. It was reported that 4 of the window frames were in a bade state of repair and it was agreed that the question of repairing of bricking up be left in the hands of Mr. Green, in consultation with the Manager and Groundsman. E. Green Chairman 20.5.52