
			[Emergency Meeting held at
				Goodison Park, Liverpool.
				Saturday May 10th 1952]

		Present :- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other
		Directors except Mr. W. R. Williams.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.

Stand Painting		It was reported that the followings
	34.	tenders had been submitted for painting
		work to the Stands.
		Tysons Ltd.:- Old Goal Stand		1930.0.0
			Bullens Rd. Stand		3245.0.0
		J. Stott & Sons Ltd. Old Goal Stand	1956.0.0
			Bullens Rd. Stand		3174.0.0
		W. Winstanley & Co. Ltd. Old Goal Stand	1865.0.0
			Bullens Rd. Stand		3825.0.0
		Henshaw Bros. Old Goal Stand		1750.0.0
			Bullens Rd. Stand		3390.0.0
			Goodison Rd. Stand		2960.0.0
			It was agreed to accept the tender
		of Henshaw Bros. for painting the Old Goal
		Stand and the Goodison Rd. Stand, and the
		work to be started as soon as possible.
		R. Williams to be appointed Clerk of Works.

War Damage		It was agreed that Tyson's be given
Repairs. 138.	instructions to start the repairs to the wall of
		the Old Goal Stand as soon as this work had
		been confirmed in writing as war Damage.

					Confirmed as correct

						E. Green
