170 McIntosh It was reported that Distillery were willing to pay the fee asked for this player, and they wanted him to play in a Charity Match next week. It was understood that Southport were also interested in him. Letters of thanks were read from Denbighshire Grammar School and Norley Utd. for sending teams to play them, and from the C. Y. M. S. Football League for the use of the ground. It was reported that Lindsay was not fit and Easthope would not be fit for 2 weeks. Transfer List 91. It was agreed that a fee of £2000 be placed on Falder and £1500 on McIntosh. Committee 164. It was agreed that the Sub-Committee be called the Finance & Estate Committee, and to comprise Messrs J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nuttall and C. E. Balmforth, Mr. Sharp was subsequently elected Chairman. Lancashire It was agreed that Mr. E. Green be F. A. nominated for re-election the Lancashire F. A. Council. ? Money It was agreed to divide £120 between the 2nd team players, who finished summers up in the Central League, as permitted by the Rules. ? Money It was noted that Manchester Utd. were to put a propositions forward at the A. G. M. of the Football League to legalise these payments to players whom away from home overnight, and it was agreed that we support the proposition. Entertainment 168. The draft letter to be sent to Duty