167 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel L'pool Tuesday Apl. 22nd 1952.] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors excepting Messrs W. R. Williams & N. W. Coffey. Mr. Coffey tendered his apologies. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of April 15th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Hull City F. C. 20% 355.3.5 Sheffield Utd. F. C. 20% 262.8.2 Gate v Derby 6 Res. 136.17.9 Cheques were signed for:- Wages 615.6.1 Petty Cash 56.2.11 Bank Balance £20,918.10.2 Dr. Chairman Mr. Sharp prepared that Mr. E. Green be elected Chairman in place of Mr. Williams. This was seconded by Dr. Baxter and carried unanimously. Mr. Green then responded and tendered thanks to his Colleagues. Reports Reports of the 1st Team game v Sheffield Utd. and of the 2nd Team game v Derby County Res. were given. Application from Bangor City F. C. & Distillery F. C. for players suitable for player manager were considered. It was agreed to negotiate with Distillery for McIntosh at a fee to cover his accrued share of Benefit. It was reported that Fanell, Eglington & Clinton had been selected to travel for the Eire & Germany game on May 4th. It was