164 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel L'pool Tuesday Apl. 15 1952.] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors excepting Messrs W. R. Williams & W. C. Gibbins. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Apl. 8th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Coventry City F. C. Share Gate 154.10. 9 Gate v Hull City 3773.10. 6 Gate v West Ham 3057.17. 6 Gate v ? 95.16.9 Gate v P. N. E. Res. 188.16.9 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise 580.0.2 Football League 132.0.0 Hull City F. C. 529.3.3 Football League 106.9.4 West Ham Utd. F. C. 443.14.0 L'pool City Police 108.15.0 Commissioners of Inland Revenue P. A. Y. E. 553.14.6 Wages 617.17.6 Petty Cash 121.16.8 Bank Balance £21,179.1.3 Dr. Court Hey It was reported that this House had Road been sold for £2550. Reports of The report of recommendation as Committee presented by Mr. E. Green was approved. 154 (copy annexed). It was agreed that the Sub-Committee be given authority to spend up to £50 per item, with an aggregate of £200 per month, without reference to the Board. Reports Reports of the games v Hull City (away)