[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK THURSDAY 24TH JANUARY 1952.] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and Mr. J. C. Sharp. Together with the Manager and Secretary. The Following Recommendations Were Made. Wages. In accordance with recent National awards it was agreed that the following increases be given to the Tradesmen. X E. Dillon 11/- per week; R. Williams 11/- per week; H. Wright 13/6 per week; J. Mc- Donald 16/- per week; E. Storey £l per week. Hose Pipe. It was agreed that five 25yd lengths of hose pipe be purchased at 4/- per foot, as per sample sent of 24 ply weave. £75 Goodison Ave. It was agreed not to proceed with the re- surfacing of Goodison Avenue and our own staff to repair the pot holes with tar macadam. Salvage. It was agreed to authorise the Secretary to dispose of letters and accounts up to 1939, taking the necessary safeguards against misuse. X Increases for Dillon, R. Williams, H. Wright and McDonald to be E. Green retrospective from Feb 4th., 15.4.52.