158 [Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool Tuesday April 1st 1952] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors excepting Mr. W. R. Williams. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting Mar. 25th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Bury F. C. Share of Gate 182. 1. 3 Gate v Swansea 1737. 1. 3 Cheques were singed for:- Directors Expenses 74.17. 6 Customs & Excise Tax 149. 4.10 Football League 4% 58. 1. 1 Swansea Town F. C. 20% 244.11.10 L'pool City Police 47.12. 6 Wages 591.17.10 Petty Cash 90.18. 4 W. Dickinson salary 49.19. 7 Lancs. County Cricket Club 28. 7. 0 Bank Balance £23,097.16.5 Dr. 11, Court Hey Rd. It was reported that an offer of £2500 had been made for this house, and it was left in the hands of Mr. Green and the Manager and Secretary. Reports Mr. Britton gave his report of the 1st Team game v Swansea, and comments were made by Messrs J. C. Sharp and T. C. Nuttall after which Mr. E. Green gave a report of the 2nd Team game v Wolves Res. Tour It was reported that the offer from Greece covered an Travel for 20, 1st Class Hotels and £2 per day for each person, and £1000 subject to sanction being given to bring the money