157 v Huddersfield Res. and Mr. Britton gave a report of the game v Tranmere Rovers. A request from Queen of the South for a fixture was turned down. A letter of thanks was read for our Donation to Barnoldswick Town F. C. It was reported that Wainwright had come through his game last Saturday quite well. Fielding and Lindsay were now fit, whilst Saunders and Lindley were still unfit to play. A list of applications for use of the ground was submitted, and it was left in Mr. Brittons hands. Chairman 77 A letter from Mr. W. R. Williams was read, tendering his resignation as Chairman owing to continued ill health. It was resolved unanimously that he be asked to reconsider his decision and remain the Titular Head for the time being. It was agreed that a letter from the Everton F. C. shareholders & Supporters Federation be brought up again at the next Meeting. 11 Court Hey It was reported that no offers had Road. yet been received for this house. Director Away To Wolverhampton:- Mr. E. Green. Next Meeting Tuesday April 1st at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman. 1.4.52