[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK THURSDAY 13TH MARCH 1952] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and Mr. J. C. Sharp. Manager and Secretary in attendance. The Following Recommendations Were Made. 15 Blenheim It was agreed that the rent payable by Wainwright Avenue. for this house should be 25/- per week. 11 Knoclaid It was reported that the floor boards and Road. supports in the hall were unsound, and it was agreed that these be replaced by our joiner. Goodison It was agreed that estimates be obtained for Avenue. resurfacing the roadway. Season In view of the increased Entertainment Tax Tickets. under the new Budget, it was agreed that the prices for season tickets for next season be amended as follows:- Registered Members' stand-£5/5/-. Bullens Road North End-£4/10/-. Fire Hose. It was agreed that samples of new hose be obtained before placing an order for replacing worn out hose. The approximate cost of 5 new lengths required would be £75. E. Green 18.3.52