152 was suffering from a pulled muscle. Hampson This player had enquired about his position and as it was not thought that he would make good it was agreed to part with him. Tour Proposals for a series of 4 games in 148 Athens were considered, and it was agreed that further information be obtained, and the matter left to Mr. Britton. Director Away To Sheffield:- Mr. E. Green. Indemnities 147 It was agreed to issue new share certificates in report of Indemnities for:- 1 Fully Paid share No. 2341 and 1 Partly Paid share No. 263 in the name of Ann Macauley. 1 Partly Paid share No. 1428 in name of E. T. P. Morton 1 do do No. 1401 " " " Jas. Walker. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares SHARES NOD. 1428 FROM E. T. P.Morton to Harold Johnston. " 1401 FROM Jas. Walker to Wm. Wall. " 177-179 FROM W. N. Croosdale to R. A. Joynson. " 2060-2062 FROM W. G. Williams to J. A. Williams Jrm. " 2398 & 902-903 FROM Xix A. E. Sandbach to R. E. Searle. " 51-53 FROM Mrs. B. Flett to P. McGlinskey. " 2486-2488 FROM Mrs. E. Roberts to E. McDonald. " 400-402 FROM C. H. S. Basnett to G. K. Williams. " 206-208 FROM A. F. Creeden to C. E. Balmforth. " 2259 & 763-765 FROM L. Fisher to A. F. Balmforth " 2250,887 & 535 FROM Adms. C. Ellis to G. A. J. Panington. " 297-299 FROM T. H. Storey to Cecilia Cribben. " 421-423 FROM Tudwal Jones to E. B. Jones. " 2212 & 236 FROM Walter Bower to W. N. C. Gillmare. " 1324-1326 FROM M. Donoghue W. S. Deyes to A. S. McAdam. " 2419 & 2238. & 1010-1012 FROM Xor. A. Coffey to Wm. Watt. " 2131-2133} " 2052-2053} FROM Exors. A. R. Coffey to Mrs. M. Gillmere.