Directors away To Blackpool:- Messrs E. Green & F. Micklesfield.
Indemnity 128 An application from in Walter Bowen
for a new Certificate to replace the one last for
1 Fully paid share No 2212 & 1 partly paid No 236, against
his indemnity was granted.
Transfer of The following were approved:-
Shares SHARES Nod. 279 v 280 from his A. B. Haselhurst to F. Micklesfield
" 709-711 from W. R. Williams to A. L. Birch
" 1272-1275 Xors T. Burke to J. C. Cowper.
" 2258 Xors T. Burke to John Ayre
" 1621-1623 from Mr. M. H. McCall to J. F. McCall
" 1395-1397 from W. T. Heaton to G. H. Duckett.
Next Meeting Tuesday March 4th at 4 p.m.
Confirmed as correct
E. Green