143 a straight cash deal did not meet with general approval. Mr. Britton suggested offering Saunders and Falder and £3000 cash and after all Directors had expressed their views, a deal on the lines suggested not with general approval. The matter was left to Mr. Britton to do the best he could for the Club. It was agreed to make enquiries as to the possibility of insuring (Blunstone) him against injury during the period of his National Service. Property Confirmation was given to the purchase of 15, Blenheim Ave. for Wainwright's occupation, at a cost of £2000. Rugs 144. It was reported that 20 Rugs at 32/6 each and 10 Rugs at 37/9 each had been ordered and this was approved. It was reported that Grant was fit, and Moore had felt no ill effects after his game with the 'A' Team. Saunders would be off for 2 weeks, and Lindley who had a septic toe should be fit for Saturday. Conference It was noted that this would take of Clubs 51 place at Manchester on Monday Mar. 24th and agreed that Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp and the Manager should represent our Club. It was resolved that the Manager & Sec'y should frame a resolution to be submitted for consideration designed to protect our amateur players during the close season. Directors Away To Cup Final:- Messrs E. Green, W. C. GIBBINS, J. C. Sharp, T. C. Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth & F. Micklesfield. To A. G. M. London. - do - except N. W. Coffey. To Blackburn:- Messrs E. Green.