141 the effect of their injuries, but it was hoped that both would be fit for Saturday. Keeble (C. F.) Mr. Britton reported that he had been Colchester 137 unable to contact the Club, and this player had now been transferred to Newcastle. Correspondence An appeal form the C. A. S. A. Football League was read, and it was agreed to donate £5.5.0 to their funds. An appeal from the F. A. for contributions towards the cost of sending a team to complete in the Olympic Games was considered, and it was agreed to donate the same amount as Liverpool F. C. viz. Twenty five guineas. Rugs It was agreed to purchase 2½ dz. travelling rings for use on away games, and the choice was left to Mr. Britton. It was agreed that the Secretary advise the Secretary of the Lancs. C. C. C. of the changes on the Board since last year. Mrs. R. Parker The question of discontinuing the pension to Mrs. R. Parker was deferred pending further information regarding her circumstances. Directors Away To Liverpool:- Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp. Next Meeting Tuesday Feb. 12th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman. 12.2.52