
		the Rules.

Vacancy			A Letter was read from Mr. F.
       130.	Micklesfield signifying his willingness to
		serve on the Board. Mr. N. W. Coffey than
		prepared that he be co-opted to the Board.
		This was seconded by Mr. T. C. Nuttall and
		carried unanimously.

Report of 118.		The report of recommendations of the
Sub-Committee	Sub-Committee as presented by Mr. J. C. Sharp
		was approved. (Copy annexed).

Reports			Reports of the 1st Team game were
		given by Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp, T. C.
		Nuttall, and C. E. Balmforth and on the
		2nd Team game by Dr. C. S. Baxter & Mr. N. W. Coffey.
		Mr. Britton then gave his report of the 1st Team

Blunstone. 134.		Mr. Britton reported that he was
		awaiting word from Crewe Allex for
		permission to send through to see them.

Keble C. F.		It was reported that this player was
Colchester	an offer at a fee in the region of £15,000.
		He was reported to have given a perfect
		display last Saturday. Although not
		scoring, and it was agreed that Mr. Britton
		should see him on Saturday next.

Mr. Woods		It was reported that this player
		was due for ? of on Thursday.
			It was noted that the 1st & 2nd
		teams had no games on Saturday, but the
		'A' team had a fixture at Goodison Park.
			It was reported that Jones was now
		fit, but Grant had pulled a muscle and
		? had twisted his ankle. Wainwright
		was progressing favourably.